Why ?

An almost exhaustive description of the desires hidden behind the content of this website.
april 21, 2020

It is not easy to introduce this work, as it has nothing to do with what my daily life is filled with.

So I'll try to, with modesty, to summarize the things that come to my mind whenever I see this website and what I would like to share on it.

Never give up on my thoughts

It is usual for me to have thoughts that I do not have time to go into, but which in my opinion amply deserve it.

These thoughts, mainly articulated around the subjects that fascinate me (music, web development, and many others that I long to make you discover), always end up recorded in a list.

It is there the main goal of this site. To deepen these ideas which are often forgotten in favor of a compulsive scroll on Twitter or any other social network. An activity that ends up giving me enough informative nausea to give up all intellectual activities.

Keep track of my progress

Recording our progress in a journal is also the best way to take a step back on it.

When I review the code I wrote a long time ago, it always fills me with a feeling of pride (and sometimes also a certain disgust) to see that the efforts given between the time of its writing and of its proofreading were not spent in vain.

Being an open book

It is also usual for me to keep my thoughts and opinions for me and my close circle of friends and family.

The more I think about this, the more I consider that fact as a comfort zone in which my thoughts have a tendency to lock up.

How to remain humble when the hindsight that we get when sharing those is mixed with the affection that we receive from people who accept our daily presence?

So it seems obvious to me that making all this substrate of consciousness public can only make me work on my ego the right way.

Learning by doing

By writing it, by coding it, by translating it, by digging the subjects of which I wish to speak, it is obvious that the writing of this site will make me progress in many fields.

This is also what I seek, as in almost everything I do: learn.

Learn to write but also learn to order my thoughts. No longer in the form or private messages or snippets of thoughts in 280 character format. But in the form of articles of which I can be proud and which I no longer want to delete 5 minutes after their publication.

Inspire rather than motivate

From our daily interactions comes a motivation that can sometimes seem flawless - until we get to work.

It is simple to motivate the people around us by putting them in front of what they want to hear in order to be. But what about this motivation when you are facing the work you need to complete?

To inspire is to help to reshape the objectives rather than hypothetically make them less insurmountable until you find yourself facing them.


You will, therefore, find on this site various essays digging into my thoughts, my projects, my discoveries, in short, my daily life.

I do not wish to give a precise rhythm of publishing. You can, however, subscribe to my newsletter to receive a little message from me when I publish these few snippets of thoughts.

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